Current induction and professional learning programs do not adequately prepare school leaders to serve as instructional leaders, culture builders, community engagers, and fiscal managers. State leaders should support professional learning that emphasizes ongoing, practical experiences and that expands access to the collective expertise of veteran leaders.
Leadership Development
Creation of a school and district leadership model that emphasizes adaptive competencies in three areas: change management, strategic thinking, and culture building.
School Leader Induction
Leveraging existing state efforts to develop a statewide principal induction and mentoring model that prepares school leaders to cultivate positive school culture and engage parents and community leaders in school transformation activities.
Ongoing Professional Learning
Providing opportunities for school and district leaders to undergo professional learning activities together.
Supporting school and district leadership teams as they model how to improve instruction through greater use of formative assessments and instructional technologies.
National Organizations and Initiatives
National Association of Elementary School Principals
National Association of Secondary School Principals