The roots of the Georgia Partnership are in the business community as it was established in 1992 as an effort between the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and the Georgia Economic Developers Association to better focus on education issues.
Who are we? What do we do? Here is our latest Power of the Georgia Partnership report (2017).
Now, 26 years later, the Partnership is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit organization that maintains a close and strong working relationship with the business community. We are an affiliate member of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and advise their education committee. You will often find the Georgia Partnership serving as the business voice in a variety of education discussions.
What can we do for you? The Georgia Partnership stands ready to offer advice and counsel on the key education issues that impact the economic environment of individual communities as well as the business competitiveness of our state. Without a strong, successful education system, commerce will look elsewhere for an educated, trainable workforce. We all lose if that happens. It is in the best interests of business to be aware and involved. The Georgia Partnership can help.
Our Economics of Education briefings and publications have been provided to business audiences across the state. We continue to field requests to meet with community representatives as we prove the inextricable link between education and individual as well as collective prosperity. See the Economics of Education page. Check out the fifth edition of the Economics of Education report.
Check below. You will find various resources designed to create a better informed business community. Don’t hesitate to call on us.
Here are some helpful business/education links
– Georgia’s Career Pipeline – Connecting Employers to Georgia’s Future Workforce
– Business Roundtable – Education and Workforce
– GeorgiaTrend Magazine (sign up for daily E-mail feeds)
– Junior Achievement of Georgia
– U.S. Chamber of Commerce – Education
– Georgia Chamber of Commerce
– Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce
– Georgia, USA
– Georgia Council on Economic Education
– Great Promise Partnership
– National Center on Education and the Economy
– Committee for Economic Development
– Technology Association of Georgia
– TAG-Ed – TAG Education Collaborative
– Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce
One of the Georgia Partnership’s Critical Issues Forums focused on “Closing Georgia’s Talent Gap.” Here is the video report. The featured speaker was Georgia Chamber of Commerce president, Chris Clark.
Forum Media Reports
If they aren’t going to college or job training, where are Georgia’s high school grads going? – Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Education Forum: Georgia’s Workforce Could Face a Talent Gap – WABE Radio
Lack of young talent impacting economic development – CNHI News Service
Rural Georgia is losing residents and jobs. Will anything bring young people back? – Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Recent Reports/Articles of Interest
Survey: Boys’ Interest in STEM Careers Declining; Girls’ Interest Unchanged
Junior Achievement/EY
Year two of Junior Achievement & EY survey of 13-17 year olds shows how teens’ career ambitions, educational priorities and economic outlook have significantly shifted in one year. (June 11)
State of STEM: Good News for C Students and English Majors – Tech Jobs are for You, Too, Study Says
To address the shortfall of tech and science workers in the U.S., employers and educators should broaden their definition of who can excel in those fields — extending it to liberal arts majors and students who get mediocre grades in math and science. (June 8)
Georgia doubling down on workforce development efforts
Atlanta Business Chronicle (subscription required)
The state of Georgia is about to double down on an effort launched five years ago to put more emphasis on preparing high school students for careers that meet the state’s workforce needs. (June 8)
How history explains America’s struggle to revive apprenticeships
American students have repeatedly rejected attempts to mainstream vocational education for over a century because ‘career courses’ often preclude them from aspirational jobs in technology, finance, law, and medicine. (June 5)
Building Cross-Sector Partnerships to Support CTE (career and technical education) Pathways
Providing tax credits for businesses offering high school internships and making it easier for schools to involve industry professionals in the classroom are two of the ways policymakers can encourage strong cross-sector partnerships to support career and technical education (CTE) programs. Related story. (June 5)
The Coming Jobs Apocalypse
Congress and the Trump administration have yet to create a coherent policy response to a widely forecast social and economic tsunami resulting from automation, including the potential for decades of flat wages and joblessness. But cities and regions are starting to act on their own. (May 24)
The Permanent Detour – Underemployment’s Long-Term Effects on the Careers of College Grads
Burning Glass Technologies
For students and parents, having a graduate take a job that might appear beneath his or her qualifications might beat the alternative in an especially tight job market. But this study suggests that graduates who take such jobs pay a lasting price. Introduction. Related story. (May 24)
Five Rules of the College and Career Game
Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce
This report states that “the high school economy is gone and it is not coming back” and that two-thirds of jobs now require workers to have at least some college education. Related story. (May 23)
Let’s Keep the “A” in STEAM
Did you know that a student involved in the arts is four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement? When you think about it, it makes sense — the arts not only teach kids to be creative, but they also teach collaboration, communication and problem-solving skills. They are able to translate these skills into other areas, including core subjects like math, science and technology. (May 23)
Apprenticeships and Community Colleges: Do They Have a Future Together?
American Enterprise Institute
This report explores how community colleges could contribute to expanding apprenticeship opportunities, by playing a “role that would contribute to resolving the current mismatch between what postsecondary institutions produce and what employers need.”(May 22)
Commentary: Smart Investment in Schools Benefits Us All
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
(Commentary from Dr. Steve Dolinger, President, Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education.) Gov. Nathan Deal and Georgia lawmakers recently agreed to use a state budget surplus to increase our state’s investment in education by about $186 million for FY19. This move shows a commitment to schools across political party lines in Georgia, but alone it isn’t sufficient to achieve our goals for education. (May 20)
Are High School Diplomas Really a Ticket to College and Work?
Center for American Progress
A 50-state review of high school graduation requirements shows misalignment between the coursework necessary to receive a high school diploma and to be eligible for college admissions. Related story. (May 18)
Five Rules of the College and Career Game
Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce
This report untangles today’s college and career maze and shows that workers with a bachelor’s degree have median earnings nearly double that of workers with no more than a high school diploma. It also finds that the difference in annual median earnings between the highest and lowest paying majors is $39,000. Introduction. (May 16)
The Automation Readiness Index – Who Is Ready for the Coming Wave of Automation?
The Economist
The United States is lagging behind other nations when it comes to preparing its future workforce for the automation age. Related story. (May 2)
Not Your Grandaddy’s Vo-Tech School
Georgia Trend
Georgia’s technical college system is preparing students for careers and making sure industry has a ready supply of employees. But keeping enrollment numbers up is a challenge. (April 23)
Out of Poverty, Into The Middle Class
The Hechinger Report
As automation takes away more middle class jobs, schools are struggling to equip students with future-proof skills. (April 21)
Building the Workforce Ready Generation: Strategic Steps Higher Ed Leaders Can Take
Education Dive
Concerns over employers not being able to fill workforce gaps with qualified graduates has become a growing theme among higher ed conversations. (April 13)
People-Powered Prosperity – A People-First Economic Vision for Georgia
Georgia Budget & Policy Institute
Georgia has long employed a business-first approach to the economy, defined by corporate tax breaks, lax regulations and low wages. But what Georgia needs for a stronger, fairer economy is a people first strategy based on: Educated youth, skilled workers, thriving families, and healthy communities. (January 26)
Policy Snapshot – Attainment Goals and Plans – What Is the Issue and Why Does It Matter?
Education Commission of the States
Nearly every state has or is considering a post-secondary attainment goal rate of 55 percent or above and current averages fall as low as 33 percent. Related story. (October 31)
The Economic Impact of Increasing College Completion
American Academy of Sciences
College completion rates are low. Programs that help students complete college cost money. What if we invest in helping more students graduate from college? What would this mean for the American economy? Press release. Related story. (October 30)
Degrees of Opportunity – Lessons Learned from State-Level Data on Post-Secondary Earnings Outcomes
American Enterprise Institute
According to this report, many certificate and non-degree programs can be a path to the middle class. Introduction. Related story. (October 25)
Talent Pipeline Management Curriculum
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation
This new curriculum represents the Foundation’s hope that employers, higher education and government can use this new tool to better collaborate on closing the skills gap. Related story.(October 19)
The Georgia Partnership has released its STEAM Asset Map. According to the Partnership’s president, Dr. Steve Dolinger, “We developed this tool to provide the business and philanthropic communities with the visualization of the current landscape of STEAM investment in Georgia. It is our hope that this map will drive further investment into STEM and STEAM education, as well as connect schools and students with opportunities to enhance their endeavors in these areas.” More on STEAM.
Many Miles to Go – Filling the Middle Skills Gap and Change Education Outcomes and Fill the Middle Skills Gap
Education’s Next Horizon
Although these two reports are focused on Louisiana, they have relevance for Georgia. Many jobs across our state require more than a secondary education but less than a 4-year degree. Are we preparing enough skilled workers to fill these needs? (October 17)
Latino Education and Economic Progress: Running Faster but Still Falling Behind
Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce
Although the numbers of Latino students participating and succeeding in post secondary work are increasing, they are not keeping up with their peers. Related story. (October 12)
Special Report: Schools and the Future of Work
Education Week
There is so much change going on in our world. Technology upgrades seem to be announced daily. So, how is this changing the American workplace and what does it all mean for work force readiness? (Subscription or free registration required.) (September 27)
Later School Start Times in the U.S. – An Economic Analysis
The Rand Corporation
Many studies have indicated moving back the school start time will improve not only student outcomes but public safety and will positively impact the economy. Related story. Differing opinion. (September 6)
The Promise of the State-Federal Partnership On Workforce Development & Training
National Governor’s Association
This report urges the federal government’s support for continuing work spurred by the 2014 passage of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act – federal legislation aimed at streamlining public support of workforce development programs, including institutions at the higher ed level. Related story. (August 16)
Career Pathways: Five Ways to Connect College and Careers
Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce
This study calls for states to help studennts, their families and employers unpack the meaning of post secondary credentials and assess their value in the labor market. Press release. Related story. (July 11)
Support Adult English Language Education to Invest in Future
Georgia Budget and Policy Institute
One in five Georgia children lives with at least one immigrant parent and nearly half of immigrants in Georgia struggle to speak English. When parents struggle to speak English, it not only hurts their ability to bring home higher pay to support their families. (May 5)
Where Will Opportunity Knock? A Discussion of Opportunity Occupations.
Atlanta Federal Reserve’s Digital Magazine
This session focuses on opportunity occupations generally, and then more specifically about new research that the Atlanta Fed has conducted on opportunity occupations and geographic differences in job requirements for those occupations. (April 25)