The 19th annual Media Symposium was hosted virtually on Friday, January 10, 2025.
This year's participants include:
Rep. Chris Erwin, Chair, House Education Committee, Georgia House of Representatives
Rep. Chuck Martin, Chair, House Higher Education Committee, Georgia House of Representatives
Sen. Sonya Halpern, Member, Senate Education & Youth Committee, Georgia Senate
Sen. Elena Parent, Member, Senate Education & Youth Committee, Georgia Senate
Mr. Roland Behm, Co-founder, Georgia Mental Health Policy Partnership
Mr. Craig Harper, Executive Director, Professional Association of Georgia Educators
Dr. Garry McGiboney, Chief Operations Officer, Health Security Dynamics
Dr. Traci Redish, Associate Dean for Strategic Partnerships & Priorities, Bagwell College of Education, Kennesaw State University
Dr. Tim Sass, Distinguished University Professor, Georgia State University
Mr. Matt Smith, Director of Policy & Research, Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education
Ms. Christy Todd, Teacher Recruitment & Retention Specialist, Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE)
Dr. Fred Williams, Superintendent, Dublin City School District
Dr. Ken Zeff, Executive Director, Learn4Life