Rural Learning Network (RLN)

Serving and connecting leaders across Georgia's rural communities


What Is the RLN?

The Georgia Partnership established the Rural Learning Network (RLN) to increase connections to and among smaller communities across the state.   The RLN provides a space to disseminate and amplify best practices in growing educational attainment and economic development, especially in Georgia’s hardest to reach communities.

Who Is the RLN For?

Education, business, nonprofit, and community leaders in rural and non-metro communities connect to build local capacity and statewide partnerships addressing shared opportunities and challenges. The group is multisector and geographically diverse – anyone committed to serving and strengthening the communities of rural and non-metro Georgia is invited to join.

How Does the RLN Work?

The RLN has monthly meetings on second Fridays, 1-2 pm. The meetings remain virtual, to allow participation from across the state.  Meetings are centered around various topics that impact or are impacted by the birth-to-work pipeline, for example mental health challenges and supports, serving foster care populations in non-metro communities, supporting first generation college students, addressing housing shortages, increasing early learning access to support children, families, and industry, etc.

Why Join the RLN?

Joining the network gives you access to these ongoing conversations as well as to the notes, resources, and relevant opportunities or information that come out of the meeting.  Members share their own news, opportunities, events, or other resources.  State-wide organizations often connect with the RLN to increase their outreach and stretch their resources and services into rural communities.  Finally, the Georgia Partnership relies on the RLN to inform and support statewide policy platforms such as EdQuest and the Top Ten Issues to Watch.

Relevant Resources

GA Chamber Resource Page for Businesses:

DECAL Covid Guidelines and Resources:

GADOE Guidelines and Resources:

Racial Outcome Data

Leadership Materials

Background on Racial Racial Equity in America

Racial Equity Facilitators

Tools for “Starting the Conversation”

Other resources

    • The Georgia Chamber: the GA Chamber is taking a leading role in addressing equality and inclusion in the state.  Their information and resource page is:
    • Civic Dinners: these are free facilitated online Zoom gatherings around various topics including racial, economic, and educational equity.
    • Promising Practices for Engaging Latino Students (attached).  Data is from 2014 but many research trends continue to apply.

Statewide RLN Engagement

The map below reflects the geographical composition of our regional networks. The network has members from multiple sectors, including early childhood, K-12, higher education, chambers of commerce, economic development, nonprofits, other local leaders.

RLN Member Map (August 2022)