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STEAM Asset Map

The STEAM Asset Map web site is a map designed to show where investments have been made in STEM and STEAM education across Georgia. STEM/ STEAM are acronyms for the subjects of Science Technology Engineering (Arts) and Math. This map contains the following layers:

·         Schools: Information on all Georgia public schools, including demographic information of the school and neighborhood, student achievement in STEM fields, and whether those schools have been STEM or STEAM certified by the Georgia Department of Education.

·         Out of School Opportunities: Opportunities for students to participate in STEM or STEAM activities outside of school, including where these activities are located and when they take place. These opportunities were reported by partner organizations and through self-reporting, and we present them with no judgment as to the quality of each. Please contact individual programs for more information.

·         Grants: Philanthropic investments in STEM and STEAM throughout the state.

·         Tract Conditions: Filters indicating the concentration throughout the state of the following:

  • Children below 200% of the Poverty Line
  • Families below the Poverty Line
  • Local Conditions Index



·         Governor’s Office of Student Achievement Report Cards

·         STEM and STEAM schools: STEM Georgia, a division of the Georgia Department of Education

Out of School Opportunities

Many of these opportunities were self-reported or reported through a collection of associates. These opportunities are presented with no indication or judgment of the quality or nature of the programs. Anyone wishing to know more about opportunities presented is encouraged to inquire with the specific program of interest. Some of our most important partners in gathering these opportunities are as follows:

·         TAG-Ed, Education Collaborative, a division of the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG)

·         Georgia Statewide Afterschool Network, GSAN

·         Division of Family & Children Services, Afterschool Care Program


Information on philanthropic and state investment into STEM and STEAM education was collected through surveying known Georgia grant-making institutions and researching investments through public databases.

·         Georgia Grantmakers Alliance

·         Innovation Fund Grant Opportunities

Tract Conditions

·         Poverty: American Community Survey

·         Local Conditions Index:

This index represents many factors from the economic, education, and social statistic areas. By combining information from many factors that represent the state of local living conditions, this tract condition indicator provides a measure similar to that shown by poverty concentration, but that contains more information on other social factors such as educational attainment level and civic participation. The sources for each of the components are listed below.

o   Economic     

§  Children receiving foods stamps, June 2014

  • Numerator: GA Department of Human Services, Denominator: American Community Survey, Table B09001

§  Median Household Income, 2011-15, ACS, Table B19013

§  Families in Poverty, 2011-15, American Community Survey, Table B17010

§  Children in households below 200% of Poverty Line, 2011-15, American Community Survey, Table B17024

§  Unemployment Rate, 2011-15, American Community Survey, Table B23001

o   Education   

§  % With less than a HS Degree (or GED), 2011-15, American Community Survey, Table B15002

§  % With BA or Higher, 2011-15, American Community Survey, Table B15002

o   Social           

§  Children in Single-Parent Families, 2011-15, American Community Survey, Table B09002

§  Children Being Raised by Grandparents, 2011-15, American Community Survey, Tables B10002, B09001

§  Disconnected youth (ages 16-19 not in labor force or enrolled in school), 2011-15, American Community Survey, Table B14005

§  Turnout, 2016 Presidential Election, 2011-15, Georgia Secretary of State

§  Broadband Internet Access, December 2015 FCC Form 477 Census Tract Data Internet Access Services

§  Gini Index of Income inequality , 2011-15, American Community Survey, Table B19083

  • This map is part of an upcoming Georgia Partnership Project, EdQuest Georgia. Stay tuned for the release of the first report!
  • Access the info page here.

Questions and comments can be directed to Caitlin Daugherty Kokenes.