Dear Colleague:
Plan now to join us for the next Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education Critical Issues Forum.
WHAT: “Closing the Higher Education Attainment Gap” will strive to keep attendees on the leading edge of what’s happening to advance students and strengthen the fit between the production of postsecondary credentials and workforce demand. Here are the details.
WHEN: Wednesday, November 4, registration will open at 9:30 a.m., program – 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
WHERE: Georgia Public Broadcasting, 260 14th Street, NW, Atlanta 30318
WHO: Chancellor Hank Huckaby, University System of Georgia will start the program. Also appearing will be Commissioner Gretchen Corbin, Technical College System of Georgia and Dr. Kyle Marrero, President of the University of West Georgia. Additional panelists will be announced soon.
HOW: Registration is requested and is available online or by filling out the registration form and returning it to the Georgia Partnership.
Please share this message with your associates and colleagues.
We will see you November 4!
-Diane Hopkins
Vice President
©2015 Georgia Partnership For Excellence In Education