How are your community’s Hispanic students doing?

Dear Council Member:

When data is used to drive decision making, great things happen.  The Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education recently went on a journey with Tattnall County and Calhoun City Schools and, using a combination of data, best practice research, and local community voices, created the Research, Engagement and Communities for Hispanic/Latino Educated Students (REACHES) initiative.  Insight was turned into action, promoting the success of Hispanic/Latino students from 2012-2015.  Lessons were learned along the way.

In recognition of National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 – October 15, we hope you will use this REACHES Replication Manual (see below) to plan for the success of your community’s Hispanic/Latino students.  More information on REACHES can be found on the Georgia Partnership’s web site (link provided above).

Please share this information with your colleagues.

Thank you for your support!

-Steve Dolinger