Dear Colleague:
Here are a couple notes from the Georgia Partnership’s communications team.*
First, if you are in the metro-Atlanta area and are an early Sunday morning riser, tune in Kiss 104.1 FM this Valentine’s Day morning to catch Policy and Research director, Dr. Dana Rickman, discuss this year’s Top Ten Issues to Watch report with the station’s public affairs director, Twanda Black, on “Business in Black.” It’s an informative discussion. Twanda has a personal interest in the state’s public education system and always comes prepared. Did I say how early… how about 6a.m.? Twanda said Dana’s segment will come on about 6:15 and will run almost 30 minutes. Hopefully, we will have a link next week just in case you miss it.
Second, if you have visited our web site lately, you have noticed a change. We now have a new Home Page and a little different style inside. Take a look. We have put quite a bit of work into the site to not only tell our Georgia Partnership story but to present an excellent education resource for the public.
I hope you will visit our web site often and refer others to it. Not only can you get the latest Partnership news but you can get daily Georgia and national education news clips, find the latest research on a variety of issues, read current media coverage of the legislature, and track developments in policy areas such as Georgia’s higher standards, the Education Reform Commission, Opportunity School District and the newly passed Every Student Succeeds Act.
As always, we are interested in your feedback to help us in our quest for continuous improvement. We constantly update our web site and are always looking for new material to add. Drop me a line anytime.
Thank you for your support!
-Bill Maddox
Communications Director
*Although we have a one-person “Communications Department,” every staff member is considered a part of the communications team. We believe that is one of many reasons the Georgia Partnership has enjoyed consistent success through the years.
©2015 Georgia Partnership For Excellence In Education