Dear Colleague:
As we enter month three of the new year, we at the Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education remain hard at work on multiple fronts but would like to pause long enough to send three news items of interest:
First, we are always honored to be included in the Saporta Report, a weekly newsletter focused on business issues and other relating topics. The publication calls on us periodically to offer their readers some education insights. This latest edition includes a story from the Georgia Partnership’s Policy and Research Director, Dr. Dana Rickman. Dana looks at Georgia’s current focus on “failing schools” and suggests broadening the conversation and addressing the real issues facing our schools. Here is the article.
Second, we are always so proud to be a member of a huge team of people and organizations working tirelessly to improve education opportunity and outcomes for all of Georgia’s young people. When we see evidence of progress we want to shout and share! Here’s the latest “going in the right direction” indicator from the Georgia Department of Education: 1,000+ Georgia schools ‘beat the odds’ in 2016.
Third, did you know March is “Read Across Georgia Month”? The observance will officially kickoff tomorrow at the Capitol when Gov. and Mrs. Nathan Deal hold a press conference that will include the state’s “Reading Cabinet,” of which we are a proud member. Few things are more important than reading in a child’s education progress. Up to the third grade, children are learning to read. When they enter the fourth grade they are reading to learn. If not proficient, their future classroom ability is in jeopardy. Visit the Get Georgia Reading web site to get more facts and learn what you can do.
As always, thank you for your support to the Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education!
-Bill Maddox
Communications Director
©2015 Georgia Partnership For Excellence In Education