Dear Colleague:
The Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education’s Top Ten Issues to Watch report is now available. The report was formally released at the 10th annual Georgia Partnership Media Symposium January 8 at Georgia Public Broadcasting. Get the report.
The Partnership will provide one free hard copy upon request. Postage reimbursement will be required for additional copies.
The Georgia News Network spotlights the Top Ten in its first program of the new year. This year, Georgia Partnership President, Dr. Steve Dolinger, and Policy and Research Director, Dr. Dana Rickman, were interviewed by the Network’s John Clark. The interview can be heard on more than 130 Georgia radio stations this weekend. Here is a listing of the stations and times.
Please share this information with your associates and, as always, thank you for your support!
-Bill Maddox
Communications Director
©2015 Georgia Partnership For Excellence In Education